Iron Polymaltose Complex

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Iron Polymaltose Complex IH

  • Product Name : Iron Polymaltose Complex
  • CAS : 53858-86-9
  • Molecular Formula : C12H25FeO14
  • Molecular Weight : 449.16 g/mol
  • Pharmaceutical Grade : IH
  • Therapeutic Category : Iron Supplement

Global Calcium is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of Iron Polymaltose Complex CAS no. 53858-86-9, API, (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient). We support the customers with exhaustive documentation. As a USDMF & EU-GMP certified global company and an established hallmark for pharmaceutical standards, Global Calcium has stood the test of time since its inception in 1979.

As manufacturer of Iron Polymaltose Complex we hereby state the following facts about the drug:

Indications for Use

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) 

Mechanism of Action

The drug is absorbed in the small intestine, primarily in the duodenum and jejunum. Absorption occurs via a controlled, active mechanism. No passive diffusion takes place, which ensures that practically no unbound (to transferrin) iron reaches the blood. The absorbed iron is primarily stored in the liver as ferritin (protein used for iron storage) and subsequently made available to the body for various functions, primarily for incorporation into the red blood cells’ haemoglobin, thereby transporting oxygen in the blood.

Global Calcium is a leading manufacturer of this drug. We manufacture this pharmaceutical drug and make it available to domestic and overseas market