Calcium Boro Gluconate

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Calcium Boro Gluconate

    • Product Name : Calcium Boro Gluconate
    • CAS : 5743-34-0
    • Molecular Formula : C12H20B2CaO16
    • Molecular Weight : 482.0 g/mol

    Global Calcium is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of Calcium Boro Gluconate CAS no. 5743-34-0, Mineral Actives . We support the customers with exhaustive documentation. As a USDMF & EU-GMP certified global company and an established hallmark for pharmaceutical standards, Global Calcium has stood the test of time since its inception in 1979.

    As manufacturer of Calcium Boro Gluconate we hereby state the following facts about the drug:

    Calcium borogluconate is prepared by the reaction of five parts calcium gluconate to one part boric acid in an aqueous solution. It can be administered in animals by intravenous or subcutaneous injection. Intravenous administration is recommended for the treatment of acute conditions. When administered subcutaneously, the dose should be divided over several sites.


    Therapeutic uses and effectiveness:

    • Calcium borogluconate is for treatment of hypocalcemia (also called parturient paresis and commonly called milk fever) in cattle, sheep, and goats. No withdrawal time is required. Milk fever is the result of metabolic stress occurring only at or near parturition (giving birth). The mother mobilizes large amounts of calcium to produce milk to feed newborn, and blood calcium levels can drop below the point necessary for impulse transmission along the nerve tracts. The disease may occur in cows of any age but is most common in high-producing dairy cows more than five years old
    • Calcium borogluconate raises the calcium level in the blood. Calcium borogluconate can be combined with phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium and is sometimes administered with an analgesic or local anesthetic. It can also be mixed with calcium oxide, formaldehyde, or dextrose.
    •  Therapeutic goals
      • Correct clinical signs
      • Correct any husbandry issues contributing to hypocalcemia.

    Other related information:

    • It is listed as an animal drug under 21 CFR sections 150.141, 150.161, and 184.199 (calcium gluconate)
    • Codex Alimentarius allows chemical allopathic veterinary drugs or antibiotics to be used “under the responsibility of a veterinarian” if the use of alternative methods are “unlikely to be effective in combating illness or injury.” Withholding periods are required to be double of those required by law with a minimum of 48 hours
    • Drug interactions:
      • Animals with cardiac or renal disease should be carefully monitored while receiving calcium therapy
      • Excessive amounts of vitamins A and D may cause hypercalcemia owing to increased mobilization of calcium from bones and gastrointestinal absorption
    • Possible complications:
      • Seizures
      • Regurgitation and aspiration
      • Pathological fractures: birds with hypocalcemia should be handled cautiously
      • Coma
      • Death

    Global Calcium is a leading manufacturer of this drug. We manufacture this pharmaceutical drug and make it available to domestic and overseas market